Thursday 27 February 2014

When it's Time to Visit your Physio?

The role of a physiotherapist is to help restore movement and normal body function in cases of illness, injury or disability. If you're suffering from any kinds of sports injury or pains due to medical conditions, then it's time to visit a physiotherapist.

Seeking professional guidance from a physiotherapist is worth consideration if you're suffering from back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, asthma, arthritis, injuries or post-surgery rehabilitation. A physiotherapist uses massage therapies, stretches, exercises, and several new technologies to address a particular condition. The primary aim is to eliminate pain completely. They may also advice you to indulge in such activities which would help you to stay active and mange your pain. A physiotherapist may also advice nutritional therapies for your benefit.

Human body is a complex system of muscles, joints, bones and so on and sometimes, they need a little extra care. We all know an athlete pushes his/her body to an extent that makes him/her easily susceptible to pains and injuries. Even in our day today life we experience pain, discomfort and limited mobility in our muscles and joints. Visiting a Physio in Notting Hill can repair the damage caused and speed up the healing process.

If you're looking for a Physiotherapy in W8, make sure they are state registered. They should be well-trained to correctly assess your pain and guide you properly throughout the recovery process. So, when it's time to visit a physio Notting Hill, choose the best.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Cure for Lower Back Pain in Pregnant Women

With the good news that your baby is growing, the second half of your pregnancy can still be tough on your back. With the extra weight added to the front of your body can become quite hard on the lower back. This lower back pain in pregnancy can be very uncomfortable and can radiate to the upper back or even shoulders if not treated on time. Therefore, Lower Back Pain Treatment is very essential for smooth daily activity level.

Here are a few suggestions to treat lower back pain during pregnancy:
•    Regular exercise like walking, swimming strengthens muscles and boosts flexibility which can ease the stress on your spine. Your doctor can also recommend exercises to strengthen your back and abdomen.
•    Slouching or improper posture strains your spine which causes lower back pain. So it is important to sit, work or sleep in a proper posture. For example, sleeping on your side with a pillow between the knees or sitting at a desk with rolled-up towel behind your back can help you.
•    Consulting a physio in your area such as Physio W2 for the residents there can help you to reduce your pain. They may advise you to apply heat and cold to your back which might relieve your pain.
•    Acupuncture and chiropractic manipulation of the spine under doctor’s supervision can also be effective in relieving lower back pain during pregnancy.
A number of treatments for lower-back pain in early pregnancy might help you in peaceful sleep, provided you know a way to draw the line between treating yourself and seeking for a professional help.